US $5.99
Revolutionary Bible Educational Tool
Children today are bombarded by distractions. Electronic and interactive devices have captivated their minds. Traditional media may no longer retain their full interest. This Moses interactive iPad book App presents a new approach to learning. 新一代的兒童集中力減退, 崇尚電子科技, 喜愛互動學習。傳統的教學形式已經越來越難吸引小孩注意。 這摩西互動電子書提供突破的新教學方式。
Six major features:
1. Meticulous Research
2. Painstaking Animation
3. Extensive Interactivity
4. Fully Voiced Characters & Narration
5. Chinese/ English Language Switch
6. Fun Mini Games
(For age 5 and up.)
嚴謹的資料考察, 精細的畫工與動畫, 有趣的互動功能, 豐富音效/背景音樂, 完備的配音, 小遊戲。適合5歲或以上的孩子。
This 3-In-1 Deluxe Box Set includes:
- Book App Download Code
- Guidebook
- Full Color Story Book.
Using these items together, parents and teachers will give children the most effective and enjoyable Bible learning experience.
Features of the Guidebook (24 lessons)
include guidance on prayers, practical topics about Christianity, step by step “Q&A” and Scripture reading.
-全彩故事書 (58頁)
禱告方向指引, 生活化的信仰課題, 由淺入深的“問與答”, 思考教導和經文參考。
This 58-page, full color storybook
not only includes all graphics from the book app, but also fun trivia, making Bible learning more flexible and convenient.
Special Support:
You can also donate this book to the orphans in China by paying here. For every 10 storybooks you donate, we will give out 1 extra guidebook for free as well. Help children in Sichuan, Guangxi and Fujian to know God’s words today!
你亦可在此捐贈這書到中國山區的孤兒,讓他們明白神的愛。每捐10本摩西故事書, J Gospel Net會另外送出1本導讀本到中國山區的學校。願神祝福使用每一本送出的書。
“The Adventure of Moses” is brought to you by Tulip Game Inc., which is an associate company of J Gospel Net, a non-profit Christian ministry. Founded in 2006, J Gospel Net is a US registered non-profit Christian organization. Its mission is to facilitate adoption of advanced internet technology among Christian churches and other organizations, to enable expansion of the Lord’s kingdom into the web, and to find the lost sheep through the internet. Following God’s guidance, our services have grown beyond web technologies. Our new endeavors include high quality eBooks and electronic tools for spreading the gospel. Please visit for details.
《摩西歷險記》是Tulip Game公司傾力之作!Tulip Game是非牟利基督教機構JGospel Net福音站 的姊妹公司。JGospel致力推動教會及各福音機構藉網絡的最新科技, 讓神的國度擴展, 叫網絡迷失 的一群找到救恩。隨著神的帶領, JGospel除了建立網站外, 還提供和研製高質素的聖經互動電子書 和福音電子程式。詳情請瀏覽
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